Define Normal

Proof if ever it was needed that I'm 'normal'!

The results are in and were sent to Jobsworth this morning; he's accepted them which means I've got the green light for starting my new job next week....hooray!

I was worried that they might not have been printed on the right type of paper, or maybe he wouldn't like the font, but he's obviously made an exception just for once.

Both Mr A & I have had busy days at work today but both arrived home at the same time which was nice.

I'd made a chicken tikka masala for tea, so we ate and caught up about our day.
We were visited by a woodpecker during our meal; Mr A hadn't seen one before. We hope it will be a regular visitor to the garden :-)

Thursday is normally the end of my working week, but I'm working all day tomorrow and have a full weeks work next week too.

Mr A goes away on tour next Friday & Sod's law, the first 2 weeks that he's away, I'm working a 2.5 day week; the week he gets home I'm doing Monday to Saturday. Tut.

Still, it's extra spends for the holiday (8 weeks today!!)

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