
By MamaOfBoys

Laundry day

I love watching my hubby cook, he's making spaghetti bolognaise in the pic. He never used to cook then decided one day to take it up his first dish was a warm chicken salad that has become his signature dish and It's delicious every time.

Had a great morning, our family friend who used to be with Kanye as his support teacher every day for four years at mainstream; Debbi,came for a visit and coffee and cake. Kanye misses her a lot, he was so happy to see her. She was such a huge part of his life on a daily basis he grew a bond to her. It was great to see her and Kanyes face was just lit up all morning.

At lunch we headed out, I did a lot of washing and took it to the laundromat. They are amazing. 4 loads of washing in one big dryer for 30 minutes= $8!!!

We left it there and went to get lunch, i picked up my fruit and veg and got my mum her birthday present a few days early.

After we did all this and went to pick up washing i took harper to the doctors. He's had a cold but today cried and cried pulling at his ears. The doctor took me pretty much as soon as I got there, she had just come back from lunch and had a bit of time to spare before her next appointment. She has been my doctor since I was 3, she opened her practice with another doctor 2 years prior to this straight out of med school. I love that she knows my family so well.

Anyway she said Harpers ears were red as was his throat but she said it's common for children to get a bit of a cold post chicken pox as the virus is still lingering around. If he's not better before the weekend she'll see him again.

Pretty quiet day really. Loving sitting at the moment eating dinner while harper is asleep on me and the rain is hitting the conservatory roof.

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