Haar on Hoy
A busy day of cycling and socialising under summer skies for the most part.
If His Lordship makes me get up any earlier to cycle, we will be on the roads before light. No matter it was all very enjoyable once we got going, and nice to get back to Stromness in time for a late coffee .
With time to turn round it was off to celebrate granddaughter Phoebe's 10th birthday at the holiday house near Tingwall which daughter #2 and husband have rented for the family holiday.
More birthday cake was consumed than was possibly sensible given that we were going on to eat with IainatCreel and the redoubtable CMC.
However we managed to do justice to a lovely meal prepared by her fair hand and with much quaffing of wine and usquebaugh, we whiled away an hour or two with laughter and wonderful bonhomie.
The sea haar rolled in unbidden and I took this blip as it encroached on the mountains of Hoy.
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