
By AmandaNaylor

The bear necessities ...

85% vegetarian diet? Lucky!

Went on an incredible tour today from Banff to the Columbia Icefields, travelling along what must surely rate as one of the most picturesque highways. Our guide told us that there were only about 120 bears (grizzly + black) in Banff National Park ... so we were incredibly fortunate to see 3 of them.

It's called a 'bear jam' .... when cars just stop on the side of the highway, or the middle of the highway, and people get out of their cars if they spot a bear. 3 guys on motorbikes were pulled over taking photos, then this black bear and his companion started heading down the embankment towards them. I've never seen people move so fast!

This bear returned to eating his dandelions after deciding that the bike rider's probably had too much leather to chew through anyway.

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