
By Purplepants

Snail consortium

I'm sure they were plotting to overthrow my pots!
I cold not believe just how many snails were clustered in this one pot!

Gardening again!
There were a lot of other pots with snails on too in the back corner of the garden where I had another tragic set of ex-plants and rampant weeds in sundry pots along with slimy wet rotting plant matter in some and dessicated root balls in others... SHAME!

I attempted to start relieving the fence of some of its ivy and brambles and found a lot of mess.
I tried the front garden instead and weeded and tidied, planted out a few rockery type plants in the boarders(drought resistance again - I want to give them a fighting chance!)
I have to add that Myki has been my constant companion these last 3 days whilst I have been busy out doors. He has sat with me, come for cuddles and examined everything I have been doing - funny small creature!

Fred did a nice roast beef lunch and I finished off with some ironing and cupboard tidying...
I have to make the most of all my extra (solar powered) energy!

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