May the Force Be With You

The force was with me in the pool this morning as I powered through the water...I think the daily workout with the weights is starting to pay off a bit. Well that or I had too many vegetables last night...ha ha ha...I jest of course.

Episode 7 is due out next year and so they wet our appetites with a Star Wars Celebration Day in The Printworks. There were a lot of children dressed in their favourite costumes and everyone was clamouring to get their pic taken with Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, Chewbacca and others. Most people were taking pics on their phones, but when I spotted a guy with a camera even though he was team Nikon I asked him to take my pic with the Storm Troopers. I did enter a raffle to win a Storm Trooper helmet but as I've not heard from anyone I guess I haven't won. It's a shame as I've got just the perfect spot in my front room that's crying out for a Storm Trooper helmet.

There were 'actors' there who would give you their autograph....for a fee!!!!...They'd played Storm Troopers and aliens and I only recognised one guy who had also been in Harry Potter, but I wasn't paying for his scribble. I was very disappointed that Harrison Ford was a no show. It was all good fun though.

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