
Today I spent the morning on my bike taking the tow path west towards Ratho and beyond. This is the opposite direction to my daily commute and I was interested to see the places it took me through. They were varied, in the city the path goes through residential areas, past a new community garden being created on some unused land and an industrial estate. However once over the bypass the Tarmac path disappears and you feel as if you are in a forgotten land. Beautiful old stone bridges sit next to fields of grass and flowers. I would have liked to have gone further but wanted to come home and watch the men's final at Wimbledon. So I returned home and made some pancakes to eat as I watch the match!

As the commentators discussed the forth- coming match I realised it was 5 years ago today that I moved from Scotland to Hampshire (I am now back in Scotland), I remember sitting feeling a bit lost in my rented cottage watching the tennis final....but that is another story!

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