Deviation ....

... from the "normal" routine of this week when I went for lunch with Ralph and his Dad (Frank) as I always do when home in Essex, Last time was in February, then with Dad too of course. We went to the Compasses in Littley Green for traditional 'pub grub' (Ploughman's for me, Essex Huffer for them) and beer. As the sign board suggests, this used to be a Ridleys pub - probably best known brewers in Essex - started in 1841 - who sold out to Greene King a few years ago. This pub, still owned by one of the Ridley family, now brews its own under the name 'Bishop Nick' and today I drank their 'Ridleys Rite' and very nice it was too. (The story of Ridleys Bishop Nick is here). The pub is nestled in the heart of Essex countryside and on this HOT sunny day @ 29ºC (hottest yet) we had a lovely drive through winding tree lined lanes surrounded by green fields all a patchwork of Essex hedgerows - much underrated, rural Essex is beautiful.

At the hospital just in time for visiting hours at 2pm and stayed until 7.30pm, chatting away with Dad who was quite cheerful, about this and that and nothing memorable really except that at his request, I took in some bank papers because he was rather anxious about some financial things - so we also talked about this until I understood all his instructions and concerns and he in turn, understood that everything's gonna be alright.

Cue song.

Ale in England #4: Ridleys Rite (brewed by Bishop Nick)

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