Journey Through Time

By Sue

Red, White and Blue

Well, color me happy as this is the first time I've been able to photograph, and only the second time I've seen a Lazuli Bunting. This photo was Born on the Fourth of July and I am as happy as a Yankee Doodle Dandy! It was a wonderful little outing for me at the Wildlife Botanical Garden as I saw this and probably Mrs. Bunting, a Cedar Waxwing, although I didn't get a good photo, and the beautiful Goldfinch, plus a gorgeous Darner dragonfly which might be a "Variable"..which is the best I could come up with in identifying it. You may visit this album, which includes hummingbirds too. And there were happy bees all over the place and I couldn't help but get photos of them as they were on every flower I think.

God Bless America, but I always think and hope that God blesses everyone everywhere, not just this country. I am an equal opportunity God Blesser...Hmmm, is that even a thing?

Have a great day everyone.

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