
Have had some ferrofluid on order along with some neodymium magnets.

Macro shots of one of the patterns that Corin created. The colour in the background is the fine film of ferrofluid left on the container when the rest of it formed as a result of the magnet.

The rest are here

I had one of the most painful nights I have had in a long time last night. I had some sort of bizarre panic attack in the middle of the night when I really thought that I might have to call an ambulance, the pain was so intense.

Thankfully, painkillers took the edge off enough to sleep and I settled back down. However, when I tried to get up this morning I found that sitting and standing resulted in awful pain again. I was in no fit state to drive and so, much to my annonyance and frustration, I called in to work to say I wasn't coming in.

I managed a bit more sleep and then got myself downstairs and dozed on the sofa for much of the day.

I also rang the hospital to be told that the next available appointment is now NOVEMBER and they can't book that far ahead. i was put through to the consultant's secretary and left a message. I suspect I am going to have to get my GP to write another letter. I am furious. At myself and an appointments system that is so ridiculous.

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