A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bliptogether #3 - High kicks

Introducing the very lovely and talented Miss Georgina of Chiswick Theatre Arts doing her bit for bliptogether.

Georgian has the pleasure (?) of teaching Anna, amongst many other folk, dancing, singing and all things dramatic (not that Anna needs any encouragement on the latter). Consummate professional that she is, Georgina barely batted an eyelid when I popped by this morning and asked if I could have an action shot for bliptogether. Five minutes later, one leg kicked, one photo taken, job done. Thank you Georgina!

For Georgina, and anyone else wondering what it's all about, click here.

No Carl today as it turns out (unsurprisingly) that his bribe of choice is curry and that's not on the menu tonight. Anyway, as lovely a chap as he is, there's no way he'd do anything as impressive as this high kick.

And yes, the shop really is that pink.

Lesley x

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