Tarawera Times

By Megl

Winter's afternoon

Winter has really arrived and the temperatures have plummeted but can't say I mind too much when you get days like today.

Fellow photographer and friend, Lynn, arrived to stay for a few days after talking at the Tauranga Camera Club last night. We went for a wander this afternoon with our cameras, enjoying the sunshine and just having a "play". I liked this jetty shot taken at Rangiuru Bay, but it was a bit "chocolate boxey" so had a play with a few filters.

Also more great news, just heard that I won this round of the Canon on Line competition with an image that I blipped last month. A bit embarrassing though as the judge was friend Tracey, I wasn't aware she was judging and she didn't realise the image was mine until the results came out. She said that it didn't look at all like my style, although not sure what my style really is. I enjoy dabbling in all different syles and I think that blipping is making me try so many different ideas. Guess if it wasn't for blipping, this winning image would never have happened.

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