Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Begin Again

This picture means a lot to me without even realising it. This actually is mimicking my first ever blip post, back in October 2011. I know I should have more entries by now but I'm nearly at my 400 mark and I think I'm doing pretty well.

Looking at that entry makes me feel like I've come so far. I would of been sixteen and well, what did I know then? I thought I knew everything. I thought I knew what love was, who I wanted to be and who I wanted to be with. But in fact I knew none of those things. I was so naive to to life and the hardships it brings. Learning that people who apparently love you aren't always what they crack up to be really. But yet again, people who you think aren't anything much turn out to be your world.

It's quite nice really to look back and things. Plus, what was I thinking with that grain texture? Oh my god. If I have achieved anything in three years its a better understanding of photography.

Happy Blipping.

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