Because this is who I am

By Brighde

My hidden treasure chest

I think the concept of going to university seems like the new norm.

Like you go to nursery, first school, middle school, high school, six form or college then university. For ages I didn't want to go to university. I thought it was pointless and I would hate it.

The idea of being in a house with a whole load of people I know I’d hate really wasn't catching on.

Actually, my original plan was to do my foundation year at college and leave and yes this is going to sound absurd, but start living. I had no intention of being some highly academic person with all these qualifications. I just wanted to start the rest of my life. Which meant learning to drive, becoming full time and well, finding someone and starting a family.

Writing this makes me realise how much those ideas have changed. I can’t wait to start university because I really want to know how to glass blow and throw bigger pots and learn about kiln elements and all the science behind why.

I no longer wish to learn how to drive because the concept is too scary. I've already downgraded to wanting to learn automatic so it’ll take the pressure off but even so I’m still in no further in my driving journey.

Furthermore, the idea of working at Wallington forever makes me want to cry. I mean, I love it now but I only work 2 days a week and it’s good money for my age so, it works out well. But as a life time career, I don’t think so.

And starting a family? Excuse me while I get my box of pins and place them into my eyeballs. Children are vile, and naughty and rude. I will have children when I’m 30 and I no longer have any ambition to have a less worn out body.

So yeah, to round this up things change. People change. When people say ‘oh you've changed!’ Well I bloody hope so because I was a wet weekend a year ago. I was in a depression and figured my love life was over forever but yknow what, I changed. Like everyone does every second of their lives.

So this week I'm doing this summer school thing, which is cool I guess. Whatever.

Happy Blipping.

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