
By kevinG

Chocolate Coffee Yogurt Cake

Had a dream that Millie was attacked by gangsters and I was really upset.

Great way to start the day.

Woke up and heard a man's voice that sounded like it was coming from my room. Luckily, it was someone talking outside and my house was just playing acoustic tricks on me.

Went downstairs to find Lawrence, my dad's handyman, sitting at the kitchen table. Lawrence is a super-nice, super-knowledgeable, and very trustworthy handyman who can do just about anything. We talked for a bit and he showed me his big, gas-powered power washer.

Walked to Old Mill and started searching for a cake recipe. Took out the garbage. Mom told me Catherine wanted chocolate so I went with that.

I was missing some ingredients so I just substituted. I replaced buttermilk with yogurt and dark brew coffee with light brew, hence the name. Made this batter quicker than yesterday and got it in the oven in no time.

Mom got angry because I hadn't eaten anything so I ate a chicken sandwich for brunch. Also took my antibiotic.

Made the first batch of frosting using regular sugar instead of confectioners. It was tasty but it came out super grainy so I had to remake it. I only had a little confectioners sugar so I threw regular sugar in the blender and it worked like a charm. I also substituted evaporated milk with one percent milk.

By then the cake had cooled and I'd completely cleaned up so I put the icing on the cake, cleaned up the edges of the cake stand, and threw out the rest of the strawberry cake because I needed the cake stand's top that was covering it.

Throughout this process, a dreadful amount of flies were bothering me (2-3) so I kept the flyswatter nearby.

Mom came home and had the first slice. She loved it, and after a few bites, I agreed!

Mom and I packed up her car for an art installation.

She left and Catherine came home. Catherine loved the cake and forgot she even requested it so it was a great surprise. She wanted to go biking with me but I declined because I'm lazy and her bike is faster.

Fed Millie. Filled up the dishwasher and ran it so my mom didn't see a full sink when she got home.

Catherine and I talked women's reproductive rights and politics. We then ordered pizza for dinner. Pizza came an hour later. I got a regular slice and a vodka slice, Catherine ordered two regular slices with olives and peperoni, and Lauren got one regular slice. Both Lauren and my regular slices were inedibly stale. Lauren called back and got them to send us two different regular slices.

Mom came home and we watched Frankenfood, an awesome show on Spike.

Took Millie into my room and she's sleeping in my bed.

Going to bed now.

Nite nite.

Today's Bad Play On Words:

Is anything from a jar 'uncanny'?

*ba dum tss*

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