New Toy.

"A rose by any other name....."
The Canon says it's in "Sports" mode.
The RICOH claims it's "Continuous Mode"
(WTF Does The World Think Every Word Merits A Capital?????)
I have, also, heard "one of us" refer to it as "Burst"
However, call it what you will, it's a neat bit of software, which I've known about and used, on occasions, before.
The New Toy aspect is the fact that I accidentally found a site which, without being asked, will glue similar images together to produce something akin to a video clip.

So far I have a train chugging up shap, a Bumble Bee in flight and a Sparrow Hawk apparently turning its head to look down the roof at me.
And, of course, this plus half a doz more as the new, occasional, addition flew down from the roof.

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