Happy birthday, again

4years 251days

It has been a wonderful day today. We went to church this morning. Katie had fun in Sunday School - left with a new torch and a marshmallow, on top of the usual crafts and colouring sheets. We went home with youngest of the Cousins & family to meet their new pup. She is a cockerpoo or some such similar name. Basically, she looks like a wee black lamb and is just delicious. Katie was quite scared and sat on the table or hid in her cousin's room playing! We had a really nice lunch before more play - and puppy snuggles for Mummy as the pup fell asleep in my arms.

We came home and despite having eaten a good breakfast, snacks and a huge lunch, she immediately ate two bowls of cereal and fruit. She's done some major growing recently! I was reminded while we were out that tomorrow is a costume day at nursery, for World Book Week, so I spent a happy hour or so making a red tunic top to go with her costume after we had decided what she would go as!

Shortly before she was about to go to bed, we heard the ice cream van. Last week, Grandad was going to buy her an ice cream from the van as it was his birthday. However, the ice cream van went past before we could get him so he left Katie the money and I said the next time she could have one. Today he came back!

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