When I Grow Up

4years 250days

Despite being up before 530am, we to managed to be running late for our train to ballet. Then I realised we didn't have a change of clothes for the afternoon for her. So stopped at the shop to get one and ended up running late for ballet too! But she got in, got straight on and had fun.

After class, her teacher asked if I would take her daughter for a while so we went for a walk, got a picnic, fed the ducks and went to the park. We then headed into town as the big girls were dancing at The Lord Mayors Centenary/City of Culture celebration. We watched Irish dancing, African drums, a choir, a video film, theatre and then the ballet girls came on! The littler big ones danced first then the really big girls danced. I got a good view spot for the girls and we had a great time! She was little scared of some pretend Jelly fish people!! But a fab day despite it's chaos!

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