First reasonable attempt

I finished my meeting early evening and decided I couldn't do any more tonight, I needed to clear my head. It was a glorious evening so I went exploring on the bike again. This time I tried the other end of the coach road and yes, I did check that the card was in the camera!

I've decided the coach road is my new best friend. Within ten minutes from home I feel as though I am miles away from anywhere. It was a lovely ride. I went right to the end and discovered that it isn't easy to get out with a bike as there is a big locked gate and only a very narrow stile access. It leads on to a major road and the cycle track is the other side so a bit dangerous anyway. I returned part way and then took another track off it, down to the road.

As I came out on to the bypass I discovered that there was a cycling road race going on. The contestants were well spread out and it gave me a good opportunity to try my panning shots again. I didn't think I had managed at all but when I looked on the computer I thought there were four passable ones. The other three are here. If you have chance to look I would love to know which you think is best and if any are good enough to send for my course homework on panning. Thankyou!

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