Sssh, don't tell them ...

... I'm not a sparrow.

I read somewhere that sparrows are not as common these days. You wouldn't believe that in my garden at the moment, there's a family of at least 10. They were enjoying a fun time early evening. It looked like they were playing "Tig" or having races and the prize was a go on the feeder. I enjoyed watching them all and would have liked to have got a shot of them all together. There were five lined up on the top of the feeder at one point but I missed that shot.

I had fun watching them for quite a while and got some good shots. I then spotted this one among them and realised she was different. I think she is a young female greenfinch? She was certainly friends with the sparrows though and joining in their game but she seemed to be the only one.

Sorry, I seem to alternate between flowers and birds most days. I need to get out more! I'm just thankful for the garden providing so many blips at the moment.

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