Beautiful sunset.

Well I've done it quicker than I thought. I saw the sun rise this morning around 4.30 - 5am and I've seen it set too around 9.30 - 10pm. It was a goal for this year and I've done it.

It's been a funny day today we've had a busy day. The main of it good.

I've been to church again tonight, more about that later with my pal canon J John! We sat in church a year ago, yesterday by the day, Saturday but today by the date 29th June so it seemed apt I went tonight. Last year we celebrated the church centenary year. A year ago today by the day Sunday but tomorrow by the date 30th June we had some news we weren't expecting. So its been a bit sad today but as usual I've got through the day and I'll get by tomorrow too.

Church wasn't all sad either infact I was able to have a little celebration but it was done silently and alone. I won my prom dress on ebay but had to hide my elation from Canon J John who was telling us about taking god seriously. (canon j john is on dvd). he's very good and tonight we learnt about not misusing the name of the lord.

We must not misuse gods name to insult, to indulge ourselves or to intimidate.

We learnt how we take God seriously by being selective with our words. "When we say what we please, does what we say please god". We asked each other "when you say what you please, does what you say please god?". We are encouraged to be sincere in our actions and to make sure our life matches what we say we believe.

So with these thoughts in mind I have come home to reflect. I will watch the video again because I find them interesting.

On the way home I was just in time to see the sun nearly setting and was able to ses it set when I got back.

Its a beautiful sun set I think.

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