
By mrsc48

Deserve that one too

It's gone 10pm. It's monday, i don't like mondays, remember?

Even tho i've had a day off due to night shift last night i've still been busy. It started with the 2 washing machine repair men coming to tell me it was the plug at the back, how embarrassing, they soon left.

I paid a visit to my mams resting place and left some new flowers. It was sunny and nice. I've talked to a few people today too that i haven't seen for a while so that was nice too.

I did some sorting of dads paperwork today too, got it all in order so i know where to look for stuff should he forget.

I collected one teenager from one school then another from another school and got home, the usual quick snack before football then home, dogs walk, tea made, short bike ride then out to dancing. Whilst my teenage daughter was dancing i went to asda shopping. Back home and shopping put away i'm now sat with my glass full to 'bad day'

But its not been a bad day its just been a monday and i don't like mondays - remember.

So i'm filling my glass with pear cider because after my mondays i deserve it and i'm worth it. And when this one is finished I"m gonna have another cos i deserve that one too.

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