Not the wedding

Lightening visit to London this weekend for a young cousin's wedding. Train at 6.20 from Waverley and a journey through sun filled East Lothian, Berwickshire, Northumberland and on south to the crowded and monsoon-struck London.

Decided to enjoy seeing some of the city on my way to Wimbledon so took the bus to Waterloo (no 59 from the stop opposite St Pancras, £2.40). A warning from the driver - the buses are going cashless in a couple of weeks, so you'll need to buy an Oyster card or pre-paid tickets.

Got off the bus at South Bank, walked down from the bridge to the prom by the National Theatre straight into a seriously good display of Morris Dancing - howzat!!!!

Continued along past the NFT and its many eateries, the book and print sellers and the skateboarders, and came to the set being built for this:

As I was going to a wedding, it was a propitious start.

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