Finca La Mariposa

Last night , after a bit of drama when the driver of the local bus we were on stoved in the side of the bus while trying to get through a gap that was patently too narrow, we sat at the foot of the Alahambra, eating, listening to excellent classical Spanish guitar from the local buskers and watching the stars come up until almost midnight.

Today we arrived at our next destination and this is the view we'll be enjoying for the next two weeks, thanks to earthdreamer: a couple of years ago now he stayed here and recommended it on one of his daily posts; I bookmarked it and here we are in, or mor accurately, some distance above, the small village village of Valle De Abdalajis, between Antequerra and Ronda.

As I write we have just staggered back uphill after a meal in the village and I am watching the last of a golden glow on the distant hills. Bliss!

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