First train ride

17 months old

First ever train ride today, all the way to London. On the station, Herbie was pointing at the trains and totally taken by them. Whilst on the train, he spent pretty much the entire journey walking up and down, up and down. I think daddy must have done at least 10 times!! It certainly did not phase you, your balance was great and you stopped occasionally to admire peoples shoes.

Then on a bus and final destination, Kev, Rachel's and 8 month year old Agnus. We had lunch, tried to get you to have a sleep, but no chance, far too excited about your new surroundings. So daddy and Kev took you and Agnus off to the fish mongers and then we met for a cuppa and cake at a great cafe, which was VERY child friendly. You never stopped, off adventuring, taking toys off others, and giving toys to people too.

You went down at 7.15, just hoping you sleep well as your cough is a bit troubling.

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