Rainy afternoon

The day cooled down with a little bit of rain today. I went off with herbie to get his feet measured, but they are the same, so going to stick to the same shoes at the moment.

Took Herbie over to see Nanna and granddad, we stayed for lunch and a little while after as you were far too excited to sleep!!

Came home and walked round to the park with Colette and Eliott when the rain had stopped but we put you in your rain suits so as not to get wet on the swings etc. when you went on the turning thingy that you stand on, you decided to put your head through and kiss Eliott, soo, soo cute and Eliott was quite happy to get a kiss too.

It's your new thing, only just started on the last few days, daddy being the lucky one to get the first kiss. Nanna and grandad got one too and mummy tonight.

The past two days you seem to have really grown in confidence, happily wondering off on your own. Mummy is so pleased, except I really do need to keep my eye on you now. Ha ha

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