Armed Forces Day 2014 in Stirling

And what a terrific day out it was, in the shadow of Stirling Castle!

With a parade of over 400 members of the armed forces and displays from various regiments, including the Red Devils Parachute team, an RAF Typhoon Aerial Display team and a flypast of Battle of Britain aircraft, as well as a simulated rescue mission involving all three forces, tanks and helicopters for the children to climb on, it proved to be a wonderful event.

Veterans were particularly conspicuous this year and I did my best to photograph as many as possible, all proudly displaying their medals. There wasn't enough room to show them all. If you, like me, like a man in uniform, this event would have been right up your street! Go large to see all those fantastic medals and uniforms.

Oh, there were dignitaries galore, like Princess Anne and all the leading political figures, but the day belonged to all the members, past and present, of the Armed Forces. It made you proud to be British!

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