Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

The Futures Bright....

...because daddy is coming home soon! After two months away, Mr C is on the last leg, and fingers crossed will be home Monday....which means I can go on my annual holiday to Athens on Wednesday. However, until he's on the plane back to an Oxfordshire Air Base, I wont relax.

Despite it raining today, Little Miss E insists on wearing her sunnies! I really don't know where she gets her shades fixation from.

Busy morning, including session of singing at the local library, although she was far more interested in lying on the carpet. Needless to say she had a god sleep in the afternoon. while I finished prom images I took for a friend. The SuperDrive had it's first use...worked seamlessly. I think she was happy with the finished photographs. I particularly like the one I put in a frame for her. The one of the three sisters together is appearing everywhere, so Im pleased.

Munchkin 1 has his attestation at Scouts tonight, so I intend relaxing with my Pimms and Wimbledon once Little Miss E is safely asleep.

Have a lovely weekend!


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