Veloz Rubio

The drive to Granada is a spectacular, if long, one with vast plains of fruit and olive groves backed by the Sierras.

In need of lunch we pulled off the auto via heading for what we assumed from the sign would be motorway services, only to be directed to the al but charming town of Veloz Rubio.

Picking a cafeteria at random we walked in to be greeted with a cheery English greeting; the cafe was run by two English ladies who had set up in business a few years ago selling home made pies, pasties and pastries - and very good they were too. Apparently there is a large British community in the town attracted by cheap land and house prices, despite its relative isolation We got talking to another couple who were very happy with the lifestyle,
The owners insisted the old town square and church were worth a look - and they were right.

Having reached Granada late afternoon we have just got back to our hotel by local bus from the city centre , having enjoyed Serrano ham, paella and a couple of beers and sangria as respectively under the walls of the Alhambra. We decided we couldn't keep up with the buzzing nightlife that only just seemed in its early stages still.

It's been a long drive and it's late; hopefully more time for commenting tomorrow.

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