Another trough!!!
This morning Ann said, ‘Molly you can come to work with me today. I’ve got lots to do and if you come with me I can just stay until I’ve done everything without worrying about getting home to you.’
I was a teeny, weeny bit disappointed, because although I like going to work with Ann, lying in the office is a bit tiring for a gorgeous little collie like me. I never manage to get proper sleep time because I have to stay alert at all times as there’s people coming and going the whole time.
I got absolutely soaked on my morning walk today. After more than a week of glorious sunshine the rain was torrential. Then we walked to work and got soaked through again!!!! But Matt, the ‘operations manager’ dried me. I love Matt – he’s one of my favourite people.
After a few hours the rain stopped so Ann said, ‘Molly would you like to go for a run in the horse field?’ I didn’t want to do any running because I was a bit tired and also there were no horses in the horse field so there was nothing for me to chase. However there is a trough in the horse field and because I wasn’t feeling particularly energetic and bouncy Ann wasn’t paying proper attention to me. Normally I’m not allowed to go anywhere near the trough because Ann doesn’t want a stinky collie sitting next to her in the office. Before she realised what I was doing, I’d zoomed off and jumped in the trough for a good old wallow about. I love troughs.
It was a bit stinky in the office this afternoon!!!!
Anyway we stayed at work all day and then we walked home.
Going to work all day is very tiring. Ann was going to take me for another walk this evening but I’m completely flaked out and it’s raining again so I’m not sure if I have the energy to go anywhere. But apparently we have to do something while the football is on and drinking wine on the sun terrace isn’t an option!!!
Playing in the trough was so much fun though. I love, love, love troughs!!!!!
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