Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Duck for cover!

Today we went to my moms birthday party; she turned 60 two days ago. We had a good time and the kids enjoyed themselves too. My parents live nearby so we could walk.

A family with a stroller is always spotted by the ducks, but now they have trouble finding food they practically attacked us! We didn't have anything for them, but Inge and yours truly returned later with some old bread. Inge got a bit scared because the ducks got very close but she did enjoy feeding them.

I had no camera on me, but I did have my iPhone so here it is... The picture was too dark because of all the snow but this was fixed with some great free apps. Man, I love this phone!

The apps that I used for this blip:

- Blipfoto (for the upload)
- Pixel Perfect (enhanced brightness)
- Color Leap (enhanced contrast)

edit: added the apps I used and corrected a typo; the iPhone is great but not for typing lots of text...

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