Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick

Breakfast at the beach

Gary and I don't get much adult time, in fact I can't remember the last time we went out for dinner just the two of us. I'm sure it must be 18 months ago at least. When you have children you give up your social life as adults, as a couple, and we have accepted that we can't expect people to babysit our children just for us to have a night out.

So, this morning we did breakfast. Admittedly this too is a luxury as once Gary has his operation we won't be able to enjoy going out at all for a while, and when he has recovered he will be back to work.

Anyway, we had a lovely breakfast in a cafe with a stunning cliff top location, and after our food we took a walk - hand in hand - another thing that doesn't happen often when you have little hands to hold.

I took this photo looking over to Barton on Sea and Milford direction.

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