A look in the mirror!

I had a look in the mirror today and didn't really like what I saw. Not physically I can cope with that, there's not much I can do about my wrinkles and lines and blemishes and if I can do anything I will.

I didn't really like what was underneath, so I had a little talk to myself, made apologies to those that needed one and those that matter. I felt better for this course of action and a vow that I will be a better person.

I wonder if L. Suerez is looking in a mirror, happy with his appearance and his teeth, he can't help his looks so like me may accept his physical appearance. But what about the rest will he apologise to those that need a one and to those that matter. He owes an awful lot of people an apology. Will his apology be genuine? We have heard it all before. And will he again vow to be a better person.

Yes I think he will but I fear if he is allowed to continue to play football this toddler behaviour will happen again.

I know tonight I will be able to rest easier and sleep better after my look in the mirror. Will he?

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