First Jam

A combination of a south facing allotment and recent good weather has meant that we have strawberries in abundance so this is the first jam of the season going into jars!

Now then, on to exciting things. We are having a blipmeet at Arnside this Saturday to go and see Gladders' wonderful blips which are on display as part of the Arnside and Silverdale Art Trail. Several of us are taking the train and other blippers are hopefully meeting us there. Please do join us! Local blippers are leaving on the 08.37 from Bingley (return ticket approx £19) with a change at Carnforth and arrive in Arnside at 10.19. We will then probably walk along the prom and up to Cemetery Chapel where Gladders' blips are on display. We may decide to stop off at the Village Bakery en route for a cuppa so could meet people there or at the Chapel. If you are coming please note my mobile number so that we can coordinate a meet up either at the station, bakery or chapel - 07717591766 or e-mail me on to let me know where you will be, when! Gladders and Mrs Gladders will be at the Chapel during the morning. Looking forward to it!

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