Our Lovely Jenny!
At work today we were discussing how we never really allow our adult children to fully grow up. We still worry about them putting down that deposit on that dodgy flat; making their own decisions; following their own paths and driving home from Scotland in the rain. My own father would ask me if I was wearing my cycling helmet when I was 42!
So it comes as a surprise when suddenly that child has to step out of their comfort zone and the old butterflies return. The ones we felt when they were small. How will our little girl cope with being the Angel in the School Nativity? Will she be all right orienteering in the forest without dad shadowing her? Should we let her go to the Concert in Leeds with her friends?
This morning our Jenny was interviewed on BBC Breakfast Time. She is a member of Suma Wholefoods which is a workers’ cooperative and the Business section of the programme was focused on cooperative businesses. Those old butterflies resurfaced but wow there she was on the screen; bright, articulate; composed; a wonderful young woman and an absolute star! We love you our Jen and we are very proud! xx
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