
A fine walk today from Townley Park, Burnley through rolling countryside with fine views of Pendle Hill, up to this modern sculpture, a Panopticon entitled the "Singing Ring Tree." It is so-called as wind makes musical notes through the pipes in the structure, like a natural organ. Sadly today there was little wind, the nearby wind-farm visible in the bottom right of this shot, being switched-off, but I could hear a faint ringing - or was that my ears after the ascent?

The walk had a dual purpose. Mostly, I had wanted to visit this ever since it was erected several years ago. But also, as training for a sponsored walk up Snowdon, in which Eptas and I, aided by Bruce, are taking part on Sunday. It is a large walk organised by the Wrexham FC Supporters Trust and involves representatives of numerous similar Trusts around the country, all campaigning to bring about the involvement of supporters in the ownership and management of their clubs.

Eptas and I are both members of the Sky Blue Trust, as supporters of Coventry City FC. Sponsorship funds raised by the two of us will go into our Trust "Fighting Fund" to assist with our campaign to bring our Club back from the absurd, outrageous exile in Northampton, brought about by the Club owners with the connivance of the Football League.

More information about the Trust and our sponsored walk are on the home page of the Trust website -

If any blippers would like to sponsor us please do so by following the link at the foot of the article about the walk on the website. Photographic evidence of completion will be blipped upon our safe return.

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