
By Geologist

Day 5 Rough seas!

he day began with another cloudy start. This would set the tone for the rest of the day, i.e. dreich. We set out from Loch Resort to begin our long and bumpy way to our next anchorage.

The first two grey seal sightings were found very early in the voyage and provided hope that we would have a day full of sightings, unfortunately this was not the case. With the swell at one metre and multiple whitecaps throughout most of the journey, sighting something seemed near impossible. The clouds overhead could have easily dampened everyone’s spirit. Then a shout from the mast with a possible sighting of a Risso’s dolphin made everyone move faster than they have all trip to try and catch a glimpse at this elusive creature. However, the dolphins disappeared after their initial sighting and were not seen again. This was the trend for the rest of the day as the weather refused to clear until our last hour when the sun was almost blinding.
This ended the day on a more cheerful note and almost made up for the lack of sightings. The sunshine continued until we ended the day at anchor in Loch Roag where we enjoyed another magnificent meal with wine and cheese to follow!

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