
By Geologist

Gannets Galore

Day 4
Anchorage: Loch Resort, Isle of Lewis
Distance travelled : 64.40 miles

Another misty, slightly damp morning with low cloud clinging to the hills of Hirta. We weighed the anchor and were underway by 9.00am. We headed off into the mist watched by clouds of puffins wheeling above us, then sailed past the impressive 1,260 high cliffs of Boreray, where 40% of the entire world’s population of gannets nest.

It was then a long motor-sail across 60 miles of open Atlantic to our next anchorage on Lewis. We are now half way down the long Resort sea loch, which has been carved out of the ancient Lewissian metamorphic bedrock.

During the nine and half hour passage we maintained the survey and logged sightings of three grey seals and one harbour porpoise. We also had acoustic detections of a further two porpoises.

Tonight’s anchorage is bleak but beautiful with no signs anywhere of human habitation. Tom has taken Hannah, Meg and Elliot whilst myself and Lindsay make diiner and watch a golden eagle fly overhead.

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