
By Geologist

The Fog Blog

Day 2
Anchorage: Sound of Taransay Distance Travelled: 51.9 miles

After a somewhat mixed sleep due to some unwelcomed rocking of the boat in the middle of the night we awoke to a calm and overcast morning. Somewhere between waking up and leaving, the mist had rolled in and we could no longer see land, or much else for that matter.

Even the thick Hebridean mist could not dampen our spirits as we left towards Harris. After about an hour of sailing and after many seals and Harbour Porpoise sightings the first Minke Whale was seen. It was a small whale that was very good at keeping us on our toes by diving and resurfacing around the boat, however we did manage to get some photos of him thanks to the photographers amongst us.
We continued watching this elusive whale for about half an hour before continuing our journey to the Sound of Harris. On the way the mist became fog and we were lucky if we could see 200m in front of us but we still managed to spot another Minke whale, Harbour Porpoises and Seals.

We ventured through the sound of Harris with barely 100m visibility in front of us with only the Grey seals and sea birds for company. Great navigation by Richard and Tom saw us safely through the Sound of Harris and onwards to the larger swell of the Atlantic. The swell and the fog saw only one lone seal being spotted as we made our way to anchor for the night, but the lack of animal sightings was made better by Kerry making an amazing chocolate cake.

Unfortunately the hydrophone was still not working properly but this did not prevent us from seeing 24 Grey Seals, 13 Harbour Porpoises, 3 Minke Whales, Common Seals 1 and 1 unidentified Dolphin.

The promise of St Kilda tomorrow is keeping up in very high spirits!

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