
We have had the most fantastic day today!
I could have picked dozens of photos to Blip - I had a couple of very happy Little Misses!
We left the Travelodge and half our belongings early and headed for the ferry to Dartmouth.
The weather was glorious, the scenery was spectacular, the Little Misses were giddy to see the sea and it felt like we were on holiday!!
We drove to the tiny car ferry which runs between Kingswear and Dartmouth and we were all very excited to drive onto it. Only a handful of cars at a time and then clonking across the river. Brilliant!
It's only about ten miles from there to Grandad-by-the-Sea's house and we surprised him by turning up at 10.30am rather than 1pm!
There was a link on Facebook yesterday from the lovely Lucie showing the top thirty three beaches in the UK and how they could rival any beach around the world.
What a coincidence to be heading just a few miles from one of them the very next day!
So from Mr A's house we negotiated the ridiculously tiny lanes to the beach at East Portlemouth. Number twenty on the list.
It turns out to be a very secret beach! We took a few false turns and hit a few dead ends before miraculously finding a parking spot by a café that looked vaguely beachy. But there was no beach in sight. Eek!
Rather than tell the Little Misses that we couldn't find the beach I headed off down a path that said To the Ferry with my fingers crossed. There it was in all it's fabulous sandy glory!
We had an amazing afternoon paddling, swimming, splashing about, running in and out of the sea (and in and out and in and out again and again and again!!), building sandcastles and - when Daddy got involved - giant trenches from the sea to a moated fort! It was one of the best days I can remember for a long time. Proper seaside childhood memories for my girls!
We dropped Mr A back at home and then headed to the campsite to pitch our tent. It was a lovely site - a huge field with just two other tents!
Unfortunately we were tired and one of us apparently had sun stroke and decided to be particularly pathetic when it came to getting the tent up! and it was quite slow going getting set up.
It was a bit of a saga getting something to eat because Mr K we had forgotten to bring any food. We ended up back in Dartmouth getting fish and chips which took forever.
Back at the campsite we had a well earned cup of tea and watched the Little Misses running round with the two children from the other tent. They were similar ages and all wore themselves out playing tag in the massive empty field. Fantastic!!
Hopefully we're all tired enough for a long night's sleep!

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