Dress rehearsal
And show. And dress rehearsal and show. Basically my entire day was spent either backstage chaperoning or front stage watching for Anna's annual dance show. Both were fun for different reasons. Backstage was slightly insane, not least as I "did" more hair than I have skills and I may well have some form of hairspray induced lung poisoning. But the kids love it so much and there is always a great buzz backstage so I was happy to be part of it. I did relish my two hours in the park with R4 and a book at the end of my shift though.
And then back to meet Carl and Jackson and our friends to watch the show with Anna and my godson and lots of their friends to be cheered and whooped. Some very small kids doing entertaining tutu eating and some practically grown-ups performing some great numbers including a song called Coffee Break (there's no coffee, there's no coffee, there's no coffee!) which is so very now and I later found out is from a 1960s musical. There was also a group of pre-teens who performed an excellent number about turning Thirteen which I can't find a link for anywhere but it was brilliant and sung with such feeling.
All very uplifting,
Lesley x
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