
4years 243days

This time last year, Katie went to Miss E's 4th birthday gymnastics party. Today Katie went to her 5th birthday gymnastic party. She had a wonderful time. Her little bestie from swimming was there. Miss E of course was there and Katie loves her a lot. She was so pleased to be back on the bars!! She stopped the gymnastics classes around the time of E's last party as they werent letting Katie move into the big girls' class because she hadnt started school/wasnt starting that September. However, she was bored senseless in the preschool classes. But today she got to do the big girls gymnastics. Her old teacher took the party and came to me and said "please tell me she's coming back! She's just a natural performer". So she's starting on Friday!

Ballet as usual before the party plus a bit of school uniform shopping - the PE kit is now ticked off the list and tights! I'm chipping away at it, bit by bit over the next 2 months. E's party (complete with far too yummy rainbow, with chocolate ganache and M&Ms cake!)

Finally, after all that busyness, she went to kids club for the second time. She came back really happy. She'd been able to sit out of a game that had concerned her a bit last time. She'd done lots of lovely crafts (including one that got eaten on the way home, and a really pretty necklace). She crashed within 10minutes of coming in from kids club!

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