
4years 242days

I achieved loads today - I was editing from ludicrously early as Katie was still asleep until about 6.30. I took her to nursery. She was excited to take back the book that hadn't been read on Wednesday. When I got home, I ticked jobs off the list & even had time for lunch with the lovely Vic. I got back and spent ages on the garden. I did actual gardening!! I pulled down a very much out of control climber vine, did the lawn, edged the lawn (it has LOTS of awkward edges), weeded.

So when Katie came home, of course she desperately wanted to go in the garden. She held off though as she more desperately wanted to give Grandad his belated Fathers Day presents. They included a card & raffia-tied tie. Which he graciously wore for the evening. Katie was delighted and insisted on taking his photograph. It makes me very happy when she runs for her camera at a special little moment.

Grandad always pushes her very high on the swing. She thinks it extremely funny.

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