
By JimBob79

Tree Surgeon

After a rather gruelling 10K race this morning the thought of decapitating the back of my garden in the mid afternoon sun was not high on the agenda. However.... ever since we moved in a year ago I haven't been able to fully open our shed door as the tree to the left of it has grown out of control and blocked it. I couldn't get bikes, golf clubs, boxes of gloves, deck chairs or even my space hopper in or out. Picture the scene - I'm lounging on a er sun lounger with the cricket on the wireless when I sprung into action - grabbed my Grip It Oils cut 5's (see Polyco's website for more information) and hacked the offending branch down. Like Tarzan saving Jane in the jungle I felt like the Worlds Strongest Man... as I opened and shut the door in front of Lady A. Was she impressed? Well if asking me to put my bike away ASA is then yes she was....

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