Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Local Faces in Local Places

Today we mounted the prints and hung the exhibition in the Bellingham Heritage Centre. I think they look splendid. There are some cracking photos from eveyone. I'm pleased with the way mine look, but I need a few more to fill the space I've been allocated.

Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in this project. I'm just hoping that lots of people will go to see the exhibition and visit Bellingham, which is a great little town in the North Tyne Valley. The cafe at the Heritage Centre is in a railway carriage with home made food. Delicious.

Last night's dinner went well - apart from the soup. My new recipe sounded delicious. I have no idea what went wrong but I did not serve it - yuck! The guests tucked into the fish platter with relish and demolished a lot of fruit salad and cheese, so we did not starve!

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