
By MamaOfBoys

Jokes galore

Marley had his friend over this afternoon. They play pretty well together and are similar in nature. Towards the end of the play date his friend put the tears on a couple of times when mar wasn't doing what he wanted him to do. This was hard as mar felt compelled to apologize over and over though it wasn't entirely hie fault he tried to make him feel better even, his friend was also a little bit bossy with mar. But I guess that's just kids hey.

Mar still likes him and snuck him a cookie as he was leaving (which he cried about). Mar talked about him all night and then decided to start telling me and andre jokes. They were interesting let's say and not funny but we loved his efforts and we laughed anyway.

This pic is of mar lining up his toys after lights out there's giraffe sam who he got when he was little and loved giraffes, next is turbo who he got recently, next to him is George who he got a couple years ago when he had a nasty virus that took everything out of him he was a very unwell little boy ( we like George he does a funny accent and never believes you when you tell him something, if you say it's a cat he says it's a donkey) and lastly is Oliver. Marley found him when staying at my mums once and was attached to him.

Kanye seems back to normal, no more big seizures back to his happy self.

My in laws came by and had coffee and took andre to get some new clothes for work, he came back with 2 pairs of very smart looking pants, a beautiful winter business coat and some speakers.

We had lunch and a cup of tea and chatted for a while it was nice, felt like how Sundays used to be.

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