Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Longest Day

It really has felt like it today. Without boring you too much, the airconditioner in my room has not worked well since it was serviced back in April and I've been trying to get it fixed. Trouble is, it either works properly when the technician comes or the wrong person sees it and says to call someone else. Ugh.

Anyway, long story short, I spent a bit of the morning convincing the agent to send a team TODAY to fix this otherwise, I will have to take time off work to be here, and the rest of the day waiting for the workmen to arrive! They eventually arrived at 6:45 having giving me a 4 o'clock appointment. There you go. A capilliary pipe needed to be replaced. Cost £17 - it is a bit of copper tubing which I was told is the second most important part of an airconditioning unit. The most important is of course the compressor. Job done and having paid them, I walked back into my room to find it's not cooling again! Argh! You can imagine what I was thinking/feeling by this stage. I tried calling the workmen back as they had only just left but too late. So the saga continues...

So, as I said, I have been home mostly. Brought Gs car back from the garage. It has had its 130,000km service and a few important things fixed so got to experience the heat today which was intense. Definitely the mid-40s. Whilst waiting, I couldn't help noticing how quiet it was. 4:45 and no kids playing in the garden?? Had to get up and check. In the time that I went to fetch my camera to capture the empty playground moment, two kids came along - bat and ball in hand. Guess it is too hot for them as well.

The trees recently had some major pruning using a proper tree lopping machine. It has taken away a lot of shade. Thinking. . . pruning them in the winter may have been better, not that I know much about gardening. Next week is the last week of June/work before Ramadan begins.

PS. By coincidence, I blipped the same view almost to the day two years ago. Wonder if its the same kids!

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