Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


This is the trunk of one of the gum trees in our "garden." I find them fascinating - all the different colours in there. Think I have missed the best of the shedding of the outer layer but there you go. At least it's not a mall blip! I had to wait nearly half an hour to take this picture as it is SO humid here, my camera lens completely fogged up and I had to wait for it to get back to normal.

Been at home for most of the day and almost had to resort to an indoor blip; then I remembered I had to move G's car and park it somewhere else, and that took nearly 30 minutes!

Was reminded that this time last year we were well into our house move and I am SO GLAD that I am not racing around in the heat getting completely drenched and feeling pretty gross. The summer is well and truly here and we will now experience temps in the mid 40s (centigrade) accompanied with 90% humidity. It's why Dubai has a massive clear out in the summer!

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