
By LadyFindhorn

Lighten My Load

Our Friday morning coffee was put in jeopardy today after his Lordship discovered on weighing himself at his main gym that he had gained 3Kg over Christmas and New Year. There are 2 points here 1) yes, readers, he has 2 gyms at the moment, although I understand he intends to forsake the expensive one if the New Gym at Quartermile continues to please him 2) as if 3Kg amounts to anything on my scale of things to worry about. However, worried he is and it took all my powers of persuasion to tempt him into the Dome in George Street at 11.30 this morning to enjoy an early lunch/coffee of delicious sandwiches.

I of course will be devastated when, next month on our Egyptian camping extravaganza, I will be forced to shed at least 3 layers of woollies, don a figure hugging T shirt and discover I'm twice the girl I was in September.

The only plus side to a Scottish winter, if there is one, is the ability to wear many layers of clothing masking what is going on underneath.
Why you may ask do I not do something about it now? Somehow, a large intake of carbohydrates and 'treats' helps to offset depression and 'SAD' syndrome.

Salads don't hit the spot at the moment unfortunately.

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