
By lauramary

Sunny Cambridge

This morning I was sad, anxious, scared, guilt-ridden...generally not great. But after the GP appointment and hanging round, sorting out prescriptions (putting off the unknown), I suddenly felt fairly calm and confident going through the motions.

I went to Tyndale and was a bit distressed at how fine I was shelving books until, suddenly, energy levels plummeted. It became much harder. I was glad to leave.

While I was there a girl had been really friendly to me. It was nice but then I started feeling socially anxious.

When I got back home I just wanted to collapse. I felt like I needed to do some cleaning though as I thought my friend was staying here tonight. Eventually I managed to get going with that.

Then it was nearly time to go to Sam's. I really wanted to just sleep. But off I went.

Had a nice time with her. She was very complimentary about me which was sweet and probably worth remembering when I feel like people don't like me (along with the fact God loves me). She gave me a lovely present - printed with a 3d printer, it uses stereographic projection to cast pretty shadows when a light is shone through it. Hooray for maths!

Then I was tired and my friend cancelled staying at mine. I was also hungry, so I was not in a good mood.

Looking on Facebook only encouraged the bad mood as I began to compare myself to others... Flatten those ladders, Laura...

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